Multischool project has already completed its first three months!
Our Mission

What We Stand For

The project envisions overcoming barriers faced by migrant students by adapting the school approach. This involves equipping teachers with knowledge and resources for teaching in multicultural classrooms, engaging parents in the educational process, and supporting children throughout their academic journey.

Main objectives

The project seeks to support schools in creating inclusive environments for migrant students by strengthening teacher competencies, involving parents in their children’s school life, and enhancing language skills to facilitate better communication and support academic achievements. It emphasizes promoting EU values such as respect, acceptance, diversity, equality, solidarity, accessibility, and inclusion among both locals and migrants.

Why is the MULTISCHOOLS project important?

The issue of migration has been particularly urgent since 2015, when enormous numbers of asylum seekers arrived in the EU through sea routes. As stated in the 2021-2027 Action Plan, more than 34 million foreigners are currently living in the EU (around 8% of the EU population). The refugee crisis was further expanded by the massive inflows of Ukrainian refugees to the EU due to Russia’s invasion in February 2022.

